Call for Applications for Financial Aids (STIBET Programme)

Call for Applications for Financial Aids (STIBET Programme)

Within the scope of funding by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (AA), the International Office of the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg announces

6 financial aids for foreign students and doctoral candidates of the OVGU.


Funding Period: 3 – 5 months

Amount of the Scholarship: 550€ - max. 934€/month




-Acute social crisis, good academic achievements 

-Graduation within the next 12 months (We cannot consider students in their 1st and 2nd semester.)

Deadline: 10 July 2024



- Informal application with detailed description of the social emergency, information about study progress and about previous funding of the study; 

- Curriculum vitae; 

- Students: transcript of records, and if applicable official registration of bachelor’s - or master’s thesis;

- Doctoral students: Statement by the academic supervisor on the doctoral candidate's application and with a prognosis for the doctoral degree; 

- Bank statements of the last 3 months from all accounts, if necessary with affidavit;

- If applicable: Proof of current employment (mini-jobs up to 520€ gross are permitted).


Apply at: Please send your complete application in one pdf to:

Last Modification: 13.06.2024 - Contact Person: Webmaster